[3830] VK3TZ CQWW DX SSB SO 14 MHz Low power

Jenny Burt jennyb at alphalink.com.au
Mon Nov 30 11:11:11 EST 1998


QSOs    PTS      ZONES     CTRYs    MULTS      SCORE
663     1884      34        118      152       286,368

Regards to all who heard me or worked me

Tony VK3TZ


NOt many runs... Low Power was harder than I thought. Virtually 650 QSos
search and pounce.

Heard another 20 or so countries but could not break through. Heard all
zones except zone 36 (yep no ZD8Z in my log....... EVER!). Zone 2 guys
were very weak. Thought I might get close to 40 zones after working zone
40, 34, 23 and 11.. always hard from VK. Missed zones 38, 2, 6, 35, 37
and 36. Can't belief the XEs couldn't hear me and two ZSs.

Thanks to K3EST for the advice to keep setting minor goals during the
entire contest.
goal 1 - beat zone 30 14mhz lp record 30000 pts  (0800z)
goal 2 - get to 100,000 pts  (1400z)
goal 3 - get 100 mults (2300z)
goal 4 - get to 200,000 pts (0500z day2)
goal 5 - get 100 countries (0700z day2)
goal 6 - get to 250,000 pts (1800z day2)
goal 7 - get to 282,000 pts (never made it in test 278,000)
goal 8 - get 150 mults (never made it in test 149 only)

Achieved goals 7 and 8 at approx 1100 zulu on day 5 after checking the
log and found three new country multipliers, A61, RN1 and EX. That took
the score over the Oceania Low power record for 14 MHz. THAT WAS A HIGH!!

Only 3 bad QSOs and the score will fall below the Oceania record. THAT IS
A LOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Error rate is not likely to be that low.. even if
I'm perfect (very unlikely) who's to say 663 other guys are as well.


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