[3830] CQWW CW @ PI4COM (M/S HP)

Rob Snieder pa3erc at muurkrant.com
Mon Nov 30 19:44:58 EST 1998

      Call: PI4COM                   Country:  Netherlands
      Mode: CW                       Category: Multi Single
      Zone: 14

      160      318      393     1.24     13      62
       80      752     1310     1.74     20      84
       40      883     1812     2.05     32     109
       20      899     1937     2.15     34     114
       15      745     1752     2.35     32     104
       10      711     1821     2.56     28      92
     Totals   4308     9025     2.09    159     565
     =>  6,534,100 points

           PA3FDO and JH9GGH.

We had a great contest, good to hear the high bands open again, we had a
good run on 10 meters to the USA Sunday afternoon. Hopefully it will
stay that good during the ARRL 10 meter in December. Our new 3 elements
yagi for 40 meters is working fine, we heared JA's working US during our
early afternoon and Sunday the US stations still came through late in
the morning. We didn't had enough operators to run MM so we decided to
participate this time in the MS section. We solved our receiving problem
on 160 meters, lots of stations called us in the CQWW SSB contest but we
never heard them, last week we found out 2 bevearge coax cable were cut!
This time we had the impression we worked a lot of DX stations on
topband without any problems.

We like to receive signal reports on topband on how the PI4COM signal
compairs to other European stations. If it was easy to work us or that
we didn't hear you. From your comments we can adjust the station setup
to optimize the receiving and transmitting part.

The station we used during the contest:
10 - 7 elem mono @ 24 meter
     TS940S, 400 watts
15 - 6 elem mono @ 24 meter
     4 elem mono @ 18 meter
     TS850, 400 watts
20 - 4 elem mono @ 24 meter
     FT990, 400 watts
40 - 3 elem mono @ 28 meter
     FT990, 400 watts
80 - vertical
     5 beverages
     FT990, 400 watts
160- vertical
     5 beverages
     FT990, 400 watts

See also http://www.muurkrant.com/pi4com/index.html

See you next contest !

73 de Rob PA3ERC,

operator at PI4COM

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