[3830] 1998 SAC CW LP

Dimitris agrbbs at agr.forthnet.gr
Sat Oct 3 02:48:16 EDT 1998

                                      1998 SCANDINAVIAN CONTEST SUMMARY

    Callsign used = SV1CIB

  BAND      QSOs    PTS  MULT

    80            0      0      0
    40          22     66     15
    20          45     45     22
    15          59     59     22
    10          11     11     11

   All      137    181     70

    Total Scor :   181 Pts X 70 Mult = 12670

Equipment : YAESU FT - 840   With  80 Watt  ( Low Power )


Antennas : HIGH GAIN EXPLORE 14" ( 10,15.20,40 )


Operators :  SV1CIB


Club or team:  R.A.A.W.G.



                       AGRBBS-SV1AFA-1 QTH-LOC:KM08RM
                              Dimitris Lianos SV1CIB 
                 Home page : http://users.otenet.gr/~agrnet
                 Snail Address: P.O.Box 127 Agrinion 30100 Greece
                   AX-25: SV1CIB at SV1AFA.AGR.GRC.EU

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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