[3830] N4CW CQP SO/All Band/Lo Pwr Results

N4CW at aol.com N4CW at aol.com
Mon Oct 5 00:56:28 EDT 1998

     Call used: N4CW                                           Location: NC
     Category: Single Op All Band         Mode: MIXED           Power: 150W
     Callsign of Operator: N4CW
     Exchanged Information: N4CW nr NC  
     Hours of Operation: 08:18
     band   CW QSOs     CW pts   SSB QSOs    SSB pts
     160          0          0           0         0
      80          2          6           0         0
      40         24         72           5        10
      20         52        156          32        64
      15         57        171          47        94
      10         35        105          43        86
     144          0          0           0         0
     TOTAL      170        510         127       254
     ( 764 ) QSO points  X  ( 54 ) Multipliers  =  41,256 points
     73, Bert N4CW (Raleigh, NC) 

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