[3830] K6CTA CQP Results

Edward Schuller ESchuller at sutro.com
Mon Oct 5 12:46:04 EDT 1998

             1998 California QSO Party

Call: K6CTA
County: Marin
Category: SO/HP
Operating Time: 10 hours

773 QSO (467 CW + 306 SSB) x 57 mults = 114,741

Equipment: OMNI VI, Alpha 89, 6 ele yagi, verticals

Major family weekend (coaching 2 soccer games + many school
events) took me out of a full 24 hour effort this year. This is always
a great contest, and lots of fun to have "side bets" with your pals
over who will do better. I missed WYO.....it's always interesting
to see what the ONE mult is that I miss! I had some great rates,
but due to the limited operating time missed out on some of the
better band openings. It was nice to have lots of DX call, particularly
on 15M SSB. It is also interesting to note the increased scores over
the past years. I remember when I first started doing CQP that it was
rare to have lots of non-Calif stations with big QSO numbers. It's
nice to hear all of you who have big numbers these days - thanks!
It makes the contest that much more fun. 

I find this a great way to get the station tuned up for "Contest
No problems - everything worked well. I finally automated everything
with Top Ten band decoders, and it made life much easier!

Again, I want to thank everyone for the QSO's. See you next year!

Ed Schuller
K6CTA - Mill Valley, Ca.

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
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