[3830] KQ6QW CQP SOAB LP SSB Only Score

Brian Gelinas bgelinas at earthlink.net
Wed Oct 7 23:50:40 EDT 1998

Totals: 556 QSO (all SSB), 1112 QSO Pts, 58936 total

         QSO    Pts   Mults
160 SSB    0      0       0
 80 SSB    0      0       0
 40 SSB   40     80       2
 20 SSB   76    152       8
 15 SSB  245    490      37
 10 SSB  195    390       6
  6 SSB    0      0       0
  2 SSB    0      0       0
        ----   ----    ----
         556   1112      53

Equipment used: IC-706, GAP Voyager, Spider vertical
Power: 100W
Hours of operation: about 19 hrs

Comments:  Operated about 100ft offshore from the Salton Sea on a jetty;
it was a great groundplane for the verticals. Set a personal alltime
best QSO count. 10 was really hopping; 15 was the money band. Had some
good runs on both, and a 59 hour. 20 was very "fuzzy" and noisy
throughout the contest. Was a real hoot operating in a fairly rare
county. My little "stationette" got a good workout.

Highlights: having a Norweigian county hunter ask ME for a QSL card;
getting called by YC9WZJ, giving a sweep to AB5SE, finishing the contest
with 5 QSOs in the last minute.

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