[3830] YU7AL and JARTS 98

Ivan Hajosevic yu7al at EUnet.yu
Tue Oct 20 14:08:25 EDT 1998

WHY nobody told us that t24ja is waiting for our call?
we missed T2 and A3 (as new ones) and also eddie from 3v8bb - our ticket
for two free drinks, but KH8 made this contest usefull, together with
other 65 different countries. working on 10 was very nice tnx to
uncountable JA and K stations just as on 15 but not 20 too - we finised
without even one JA on 20 ...

                          JARTS   RTTY   CONTEST

    Call: YU7AL                            Country : Yugoslavia
    Operator List: YZ7EM, 4N7RGH           Category: MOST/LP


       BAND    QSO's   QSO-PTS   MULTS

        80     59       120       24
        40     62       135       27
        20    192       445       59
        15    192       489       60
        10    161       433       58
      Totals  666      1622      228

                           SCORE:     369,816 points

    Equipment description:

                  Tx/Rx   :  ts930, 80 W
                  Antenna :  th3mk3, dipole
                  Computer:  Compaq Contura 4/25
                  Modem   :  home made
                  Software:  GeniusComm v2.30 by YZ7ED

    Club Affiliation:  Vojvodina Contest Club

73 de Ivan, YZ7EM

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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