[3830] KR4YL LP 10M SO

Paul Knupke, Jr. pk at ij.net
Sun Oct 25 19:27:20 EST 1998

                         1998 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST

     Call used: KR4YL                                          Location: 05
     Category: Single Op Single Band      Mode: SSB             Power: 150W
     Callsign of Operator: KR4YL

     Exchanged Information: KR4YL RST 05

     band    QSOs   points    zones     ctys
     160        0        0        0        0
      80        0        0        0        0
      40        0        0        0        0
      20        0        0        0        0
      15        0        0        0        0
      10      163      443       24       59
     TOTAL    163      443       24       59         SCORE: 36,769

     Club or Team Name: Florida Contest Group

Got a late start to the contest, didn't start until Saturday mid-day.  Had
to put up my 10m beam and due to one thing after another, I got it up right
after lunch on Saturday.  Missed most the Europe opening on Satuday but
managed to casually operate until about 8PM local when it died.  Got back on
at 7AM local Sunday and worked about 2 1/2 hours.  Decent but not great
conditions to Europe.

I finally worked Japan!!!  I've had HF privledges since January of 1994 and
it took me until this contest to finally work Japan on any HF band!  Best
catches: FK8VNH and T88X.

This was my warm up for the ARRL 10M!

Go FCG!  Fellow FCGers heard, N4BP (all weekend), NN4X and AJ4Y (faintly)

Paul E. Knupke, Jr.      Amateur Radio: KR4YL
pk at ij.net                Largo, FL
Proud Member of the Florida Contest Group!

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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