Jim Stahl k8mr at barf80.nshore.org
Mon Oct 26 10:01:10 EST 1998

                  1998 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST
     Call used: K8MR                        Location: Ohio
     Category: Single Op All Band     Mode: PHONE      Power: 1500
     Callsign of Operator: K8MR  
     Hours of Operation: 12:17
     band    QSOs   points    zones     ctys
     160        9       12        4        5
      80        9       17        3        3
      40       38       96       13       29
      20      171      481       24       78
      15      203      551       27       83
      10      165      464       24       68
     TOTAL    595     1621       95      266     SCORE: 585,181
     Club or Team Name: Mad River Radio Club        
     Comments:     A classic example of the "cup: half empty or 
     half full" question.  The return of the sunspots gave the 
     high bands life, but the geomagnetic disturbances prevented
     anything north of EA/I on ten on Sunday, and left me with  
     only one OH (plus one OH0) in the entire log.   OTOH I better
     start studying Spanish with my daughters: most worked country 
     was LU (50 qsos), third was EA (47) behind VE (48).

Jim Stahl
InterNet: k8mr at barf80.nshore.org
Basic Amateur Radio Frequency, BARF-80 +1 (440) 237-8208
"Totally devoted to Amateur Radio" - 24 Hrs a day 8/N/1 28.8k-1200 baud

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
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Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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