Evert Halbach cs-erh at nich-nsunet.nich.edu
Tue Oct 27 06:45:30 EST 1998

Results of CQWWSSB contest....

Callsign/op: WA5OJI
Category: Sing Op QRP/p
Rig: QRP+
Pwr: <5W
Location: Thibodaux, La.
Hours ON: 11+

Band	QSOs	Pts	Zones	Ctys
20	6	15	3	6
15	95	253	19	52
10	32	85	8	16

total	133	353	30	74

Score: 36,712

Glad to see bands opening again.  Had a good time but not enough of
it... C U on CW......

73 de WA5OJI Evert

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