Dinsterdog at aol.com Dinsterdog at aol.com
Tue Oct 27 16:56:36 EST 1998

Operated as SO all bands- ran with a ICOM 756, AL-811 amp and a Tennadyne T-6
Log Periodic up 55 feet; Butternut HV2 Vertical for low bands...had S-9 noise
first night due to band condx and severe T-Strm wx in area-- 

Best surprise was 15 meter afternoon condx into JA/Asia.....biggest
disappointments were poor morning high band condx's into EU, and a noisey low
band environment, even using bevg antennas- - could not buy a run-, used lots
of hunt/pounce tactics.....glad to see all the SA on 10 meters-  73 from

N0AH Score Summary:   

Band         QSO's        Zones         Countires
160             8                 4                 3
80              12                6                 6
40               30              12               16
20               122             29               60
15               446             27               81
10               151             20               37

totals           769            93              203     571,872   see you in

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