[3830] S50G - CQWW SSB98, M/S SCORE

Robert, S57AW s57aw at bit.si
Wed Oct 28 17:59:26 EST 1998

                    CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST -- 1998

      Call: S50G                     Country:  Slovenia
      Mode: SSB                      Category: Multi Single

      160      183      212     1.16      9      55
       80      424      508     1.20     14      70
       40      823     1687     2.05     31     112
       20      947     1950     2.06     36     153
       15      762     1907     2.50     37     134
       10      280      587     2.10     31     125
     Totals   3419     6851     2.00    158     649  =>  5,528,757

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Operator List: 
S51F, S51QN, S56M, S57AW, S57MAD, S58M

Equipment Description:
RIG : 2 x IC-781
      1 x IC-775DSP
AMPS: SB-220 1KW
      IC-2KL 500W
      Homebrew 1KW
160m ...... INV @ 20m
 80m ...... Pyramid @ 22m
            3 x Sloper @ 18m (N/W, N/E, S)
 40m ...... 2 el QUAD @ 15m 
 20m ...... 3 el QUAD @ 22m
 15m ...... 5 el UAD @ 22m (didn't worked ???)
 10m ...... 5 el QUAD @ 22m
 We used TH6DXX @ 11m for mults hunting on high bands.

PC: 3 computers in network + CT 9.23 + packet support with TNC in CT

Club Affiliation: SCC - Slovenia Contest Club

               RK Moravce  S50G
               P.O.BOX 3
               Moravce, SI 1251

73's & CU in CW part   de Robert, S57AW


FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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