[3830] W9JA M/S HP - CQWW SSB Score

WE9V Chad Kurszewski Chad_Kurszewski at csg.mot.com
Wed Oct 28 09:59:45 EST 1998

                    CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST -- 1998

      Call: W9JA                     Country:  United States
      Mode: SSB                      Category: Multi Single
      Zone: 4                                  High Power


      160       34       75     2.21     15      27  Tilted Inv-V
       80       78      193     2.47     22      57  Rot. dipole @ 165'
       40      216      594     2.75     31     103  3/3
       20      689     1869     2.71     40     151  5/5/5/5
       15     1084     3045     2.81     36     157  6/6/6/6
       10      405     1100     2.72     30     118  5/5/5

     Totals   2506     6876     2.74    174     613  =>  5,411,412

Ops:  W9JA + K9GS, K9GY, K9JY, N9AU, N9FH, WE9V

Something always needs fixing at big stations.  This contest was
no exception.  A few days before the contest I thought I would check
out a few things.  We had zero 10M antennas working.  I'm glad
we got them fixed in time, as 10M was a blast.

Also, since the M^2 3el 80M beam took a crash last spring, nothing
has replaced it.  N9AU and W9JA worked on rebuilding one element
plus a relay canister to do SSB/CW switching and make it a rotatable
dipole.  That went up on the tower 4 days before the contest.
Unfortunately, it was installed in such a way that the loading
wires arced to the tower after 5 QSOs.  Day 1 on 80M was a bust
with 5 QSOs.  During the daylight of Saturday, we were able to
spot the problem and devise a fix.  It worked and as a result
did a little catching up on Saturday night.  (You should have
seen the big arcs on Friday night!!!)

20M was very difficult to get anything going.  Not only did everyone
disappear to 10 & 15M, but the conditions didn't seem too hot.

Thanks and CUL!
Chad Kurszewski, WE9V                       e-mail:  WE9V at qth.com
The Official "Sultans of Shwing" Web Site:  http://www.QTH.com/sos

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