[3830] N5TJ WW SSB Low Power Part Time

n5tj n5tj at mci2000.com
Fri Oct 30 00:03:31 EST 1998

                            CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST
     Call used: N5TJ                                     Location: 4
     Category: Single Op All Band         Mode: SSB             Power: 100W
     Exchanged Information: N5TJ RST 4   
     Hours of Operation: 16:00
      band    QSOs   points    zones     ctys
     160        8       15        5        5
      80       60      139       13       32
      40       67      177       22       54
      20      134      362       27       68
      15      193      518       24       59
      10      197      483       25       62
     TOTAL    659     1694      116      280         SCORE: 670,824
     First time to try low power DX contesting from home QTH.
     New interlaced 10/15 antenna seems to be working pretty
     well, although high band conditions were well down
     from previous weeks. Hope for better propagation on the
     CW weekend and a full time effort!


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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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