[3830] AA3B CW Sprint

The Trench Family cwtrench at sprynet.com
Sun Sep 6 05:22:22 EDT 1998

                             NCJ NORTH AMERICAN SPRINT
     Call used: AA3B                                     Location: PA
     Category: Single Op All Band       Mode:  CW        Power: 600
     Callsign of Operator: AA3B  
     Hours of Operation: 03:58
     band      QSOs     points
      80         79         79
      40        112        112
      20        110        110
     TOTAL      301        301   X   44 multipliers  =  13,244
     Club or Team Name: Frankford Radio Club        
Rig: TS 940S / HF2500

Antennas: 80M Inv V @ 60', 40M Inv V @ 55', Cushcraft A3 @ 70'

This is the first time my claimed score exceeds 300 QSOs!  I thought
conditions were outstanding.  

Hope to work everyone in the PA QSO Party.

73 Bud AA3B

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