[3830] K4AAA CW Sprint

Bill Fisher, W4AN w4an at contesting.com
Sun Sep 6 10:51:52 EDT 1998

Great conditions.  Best I have heard in 5 years for the CW Sprint.  20
meters is the key to fun and success.  Great score Dan (K1TO).  Can I buy
you and your wife tickets on a cruise for the first weekend in November?  

band      QSOs     points
 80         99         99   4 Square
 40        125        125   3el yagi West, 402CD NE 
 20        133        133   5el yagi @ 60' NE, 5el yagi @ 45' West
TOTAL      357        357   X   44 multipliers  =  15,708

Highest ever claimed QSO total for me.  

Heard but missed... Maryland, Arkansas, and Alabama.  Not as lucky as last
September.  2nd radio produced Arizona, VE2AWR, VO1, and Nebraska (twice).   


Bill, W4AN

Bill Fisher, W4AN (EX KM9P)

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