[3830] K7BV CW Sprint

K7bv at aol.com K7bv at aol.com
Sun Sep 6 15:22:08 EDT 1998

                           1998 NCJ NORTH AMERICAN SPRINT 
Call used: K7BV          			Location: NV  at K5RC/7 QTH
Category: Single Op All Band     Power:1500
Band    QSOs 
80         67      
40         98     
20        104    
TOTAL  269        269   X   40 multipliers  =  10,760
Club or Team Name: NCCC #1      
Comments: Got a lot "Hi"s from using NCJ for a name.  I had a couple brain
hemorrhages that were so comical that I almost just stopped operating because
I looked so pathetic trying to get back in the groove.  Those moments made for
some really good wet eye laughing with K5RC in background watching me do the
meltdown and then try and recover.  And, Gang, THAT LAUGH WAS WHAT IT IS ALL
ABOUT - FUN.  I love operating Sprint - I just don't have a clue on how to do
it !

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