[3830] N5NU Sprint LP

Jason N5NU n5nu at inu.net
Sun Sep 6 17:24:26 EDT 1998

1998 September 7
Sprint CW

N5NU, Single Operator, Low Power

Exchange:  # Jay TX

Band	Raw Q		Valid Q		Points		Mults

80CW	52		52		52		2
40CW	106		104		104		8
20CW	86		86		86		31
	244		242		242		41

242 x 41 = 9922

Would've had 10k if hadn't have had 2 dupes.  Slow start, but soon heated
up.  Stayed on 20 for first hour and about 15 mins, went to 40, then to 80.

4 Band changes.

73, Jason N5NU
n5nu at inu.net

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