Dave_K9NX n7ex at athenet.net
Mon Sep 7 00:35:53 EDT 1998

                              SPRINT SUMMARY SHEET

     Contest Date : 06-Sep-98

      Callsign Used : K9NX
             Operator : K9NX
             Category : HP
 Default Exchange : # DAVE WI
                  Name : DAVE HENDERSON
       City/State/Zip : HORTONVILLE, WI 54944
               Country : United States
           Team/Club : N/A

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   
   80CW       31          31         31       1 
   40CW       67          66         65       8 
   20CW      111         107        107      32 

 Totals      209         204        203      41 

    Final Score = 8323 points.

 Soapbox Comments

Still nowhere what the big guns did, but a personal best. 
Should have left 20M earlier! Should have left 40M  earlier
 as well....next time! 

Lets have more of these say 4 times a year
 or even every other month!!!

How about 10/15/20 Sprint earlier in the day
 especially now that 10M is coming back.

And maybe a 40/80/160 Sprint in November

TS-850 / TL-922 700w
Force-12 C3S and 3 band tarpped inverted L (40/80/160)

Date: 9/6/98   Signed: Dave Henderson   Call: K9NX

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
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