[3830] Watt-Me-Worry Ree-zults

Ward Silver hwardsil at WOLFENET.com
Tue Sep 8 17:57:58 EDT 1998

Their nimble signals scurrying about the bands, the Watt-Me-Worry CW
Sprint team comported themselves most illustriously as denoted by the
following tabular presentation, thusly:

K1HT	267 x 46	12,282	Top LP score until N5TJ posts :-)
N0AX	253 x 41	10,373	
K0RX	232 x 43	 9,976  
K7BG	242 x 39	 9,438
K7QQ	179 x 38	 6,802
N7WA	179 x 37	 6,623
KI7Y	159 x 36	 5,724
KK7GW	 94 x 30	 2,820
AA0CY	 76 x 26	 1,976
N6HR	  0 x  0	     0	Busy invading the mainland
	Total Grande    66,014

Well done, lads!  See you again come February!

73, "Ed"Ward N0AX

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