[3830] OH1NOA NA Sprint

Timo Timo
Wed Sep 9 12:14:48 EDT 1998

My Na Sprint score:
Call: OH1NOA 

Qsos: 60 (all 20mtrs)
Mults: 21

Score: 1260

Thanks for the qsos and thanks for Paul Masson redwine to OH1ZAA, it really pulled those CA stations out of noize...

73, Timo OH1NOA/OH0NOA
PS. See you all : SAC CW @OH1AF   CQWW RTTY @OH1ZAA (or OH0MZA/1)
"My bed is pulling me, gravity, daysleeper"
Timo Klimoff                                 timo.klimoff at kolumbus.fi
++Ham/Search/Blake/Kewl at   http://www.qsl.net/oh1noa
++R.E.M. at                                  http://move.to/rem
ICQ # 15474856

"My bed is pulling me, gravity, daysleeper"
Timo Klimoff                                 timo.klimoff at kolumbus.fi
++Ham/Search/Blake/Kewl at   http://www.qsl.net/oh1noa
++R.E.M. at                                  http://move.to/rem
ICQ # 15474856

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