[3830] N9RV NA Sprint CW

Patrick Barkey pbarkey at gw.bsu.edu
Wed Sep 9 14:39:25 EDT 1998

N9RV NA September Sprint CW

     band      QSOs     points        Antenna
      80          0          0            Nada
      40        150        150        Dipole @ 50'
      20        107        107        4 el Telrex at 70'
     TOTAL      257        257   X   43 multipliers  =  11,051
     Club or Team Name: North Coast Contesters      


A partial effort from a station still under construction.  I
inadvertently learned one of the "Sprint secrets" during this contest,
however.  Namely, there's a lot of nice multipliers that show up on 40
at the end of the contest!

   -- Pat

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