[3830] W4PA SSB Sprint

Scott Robbins srobbins at usit.net
Sun Sep 13 11:56:21 EDT 1998

W4PA SSB Sprint high power
226/38 = 8,588 claimed score 

Team: Tennessee Contest Group #1

Exchange used: ROD TN, in honor of Tennessee Contest Group
member Rod Fitz-Randolph, W5HVV/N5HV, who passed away earlier
this week.  73 to you, Rod.

Scott Robbins, W4PA
Gatlinburg, TN. 

This e-mail message may not represent the viewpoint of my employer.
Visit the Tennessee Contest Group at <http://www.k4ro.net/tcg.html>
        "They're a band beyond description
         Like Jehovah's favorite choir"   - Grateful Dead

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