[3830] K6LA Phone Sprint & Comments

KWIDELITZ at delphi.com KWIDELITZ at delphi.com
Sun Sep 13 16:10:04 EDT 1998

        1998 September Phone Sprint 
     Exchanged Information: K6LA nr KEN CA  
     band      QSOs     points
      80         40         40
      40         94         94
      20        153        153
     TOTAL      287        287   X   48 multipliers  =  13,776
     Club or Team Name: SCCC#1
First, kudos to Kenwood for turning my burned up 950SD around in under two
weeks and allowing me to pick it up after closing on Friday. They said it
looked like a major lightning strike in there, but all I had done was press
the auto tune button before the smoke wafted from the speaker holes. The
second radio helped alot in going back to 20 for Qs and mults.

>From the start I never felt like I was in the right groove. Bouncing between 
VFOs never generated the usual 2 here 2 there QSOs. It was more S&P between
giant signals I had already worked. Biggest giants here on 20 were KW8N and
NN4T. I did get lucky with some mults, bagging KL7, ME and DE. Worked every
mult I heard, but didn't hear any NA DX or AL, KS, VE6, MT or ID, usually
easy from here.

On the when does the contest end issue, I was of the impression you could
set up QSOs before the contest, but couldn't start the exchange until the
contest starts. I'm also under the impression that you have to finish the
QSO completely before the end of the contest for it to count, but that is
just a feeling, no basis other than my interpretation of the rules.

73. Ken, K6LA - Ken Six Los Angeles, KWIDELITZ at DELPHI.COM

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