[3830] Phone Sprint..N7TR
Rich Hallman N7TR
n7tr at rnodx.org
Mon Sep 14 04:43:08 EDT 1998
N7TR Rich Nevada
band QSOs
80 68 Inverted V at 100 ft
40 103 40-2CD at 112 ft
20 149 Stack TH7's at 102 / 55 ft
TOTAL 320 320 X 45 multipliers = 14,400
Claimed 321 Q's but noticed #321 was logged at 0400Z so I
removed the QSO...
Club or Team Name: SCCC#1
Comments: WOW.....Great time but where did everyone find all the
Mults....No NA DX, XE's ect....I did work WV2B/CY9 and
got his name and a #1 out of him...Thought that was
pretty good until I heard all the other high mults.
Guess I need more practice...Think I should have gone
back to 20 earlier and may have got more of the missing
ones. I even missed NEVADA!! After moving to 40 for
the first time and being 20 Q's behind Team Member
Dan, AD6DO, I said I couldnt be beat by this young
kid down the block!!! ha Well, I guess Im getting
Old!! Caught up on Q's but not Mults.
Congrats to Bill, K4XS...Welcome back!!!
See Ya! Rich N7TR
Richard Hallman N7TR N7TR at RNODX.ORG
11870 Heartpine St
Reno NV 89506 EX: KI3V, HL9RH
702 677-1106 A92FN, N3AMK
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