Charles Fulp k3ww at fast.net
Mon Sep 14 01:12:30 EDT 1998

Fell short of my goal, and completely lost my voice Saturday night.  Had 
a sore throat, and found out that 500 Qs is about
it in a contest where you sent QTC's... ended up with 556 Q and only 495 
QTC sent.  I used the DVP for a few QSOS but
no provisions for sending serial numbers without talking, and I couldn't 
trip the VOX by Saturday night.

     BAND     QSO   QTC    Cty   Mult

      160       0     0      0      0
       80       6     4      5     20
       40      24    17     14     42
       20     170   118     31     62
       15     342   342     39     78
       10      14    14      6     12

    Totals    556   495     95    214 = 224,914

about 8 hours of on the air time. =20

73 Chas K3WW      Single Op

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