[3830] KK7GW WA Salmon Run

David Jones kk7gw at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 20 20:00:09 EDT 1998

                           Washington State Salmon Run SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 19-Sep-98, 20-Sep-98

    Callsign Used : KK7GW
         Operator : KK7GW

         Category : Single Operator/Mixed Modes/Low Power

 Default Exchange : 5NN King

        Team/Club : Western Washington DX Club

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   

   40CW       17          17         51       2 
   40SSB       3           3          6       1 
   20CW      159         151        453      53 
   20SSB      37          37         74      17 
   15CW       11          11         33       0 
   15SSB      10          10         20       2 
   10CW        7           7         21       0 
   10SSB      21          21         42       4 

 Totals      265         257        700      79 

    Final Score = 55300 points.

Power output: 100 watts
Equipment: Kenwood TS-530
Antennas: 20m dipole in a "V", ends at 25 feet, center at 17 feet.  40m 
dipole at 13 feet.

Comments:  Lots of fun.  Actually had a little pileup for a bit.  I'm 
really looking foward to SS CW now...maybe I can get a few hundred QSOs.

Thanks to everyone who called.  See all the 6's in the CQP, and then see 
everyone in CQ WW and SS.


David Jones, KK7GW   
kk7gw at hotmail.com

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