Paul Knupke, Jr. pk at ij.net
Sun Aug 1 22:26:14 EDT 1999

                         GEORGIA QSO PARTY

     Call used: KR4YL                                          Location: FL

     Category: Single Op All Band         Mode: MIXED           Power: 100W

     Callsign of Operator: KR4YL

     Exchanged Information: KR4YL RST FL

	Hours:  Probably 4 total....

     band   CW QSOs     CW pts    Ph QSOs     Ph pts
      80          3          6          0          0
      40         12         24          5          5
      20         11         22         11         11
      15          0          0          0          0
      10          0          0          0          0
     TOTAL       26         52         16         16

     ( 68 ) QSO points  X  ( 29 ) Multipliers  =  1,972 points

Comments:  Nice outing!  Saturday conditions were good but had other evening
obligations that kept me off from about 6PM to about 10PM.   Being so close
limited me to 20 40 and 80 but good to hear the activity and the mobiles.

Sunday conditions were not very good.   Struggled to get above 40Qs but made

Now for the amazing thing... I did more CW than phone how bout dat?

Big signals from W4AN, KB4HZ, N4PN, AA4Z and others.   Good to hear the
W4AQL @ GA Tech on so actively!

73 de KR4YL
kr4yl at arrl.net

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