[3830] KU7Y NAQP CW SO

Monte Stark ku7y at dri.edu
Sun Aug 8 09:11:49 EDT 1999

             Name : Ron Stark
   City/State/Zip : Washoe Valley, NV  89704
          Country : United States

        Team/Club : POLO

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   

   80CW       10          10         10       5 
   40CW      210         207        207      43 
   20CW      167         165        165      49 
   15CW       65          65         65      23 
   10CW        3           3          3       3 

 Totals      455         450        450     123 

    Final Score = 55350 points.

 Soapbox Comments

 Very bad noise the first few hours. Over S9 on 10m and S7 on 15m. By
 late afternoon it was better but still has static crashes that made
 copy of stations below about S4 very hard. But it was nice to work
 so many friends. Nothing heard on 160m.

73,  Ron, KU7Y

NRA Life------Ex W6JXO, DL4RF, N7CRV------SOWP #5545-M
QRP ARCI #8829----NorCal #330----QRP-L #17-----ARS #49
AR QRP #150--------DM09cg---------New Washoe City,  NV

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