[3830] KR4YL NAQP CW

Paul Knupke, Jr. pk at ij.net
Sun Aug 8 13:35:19 EDT 1999

                      NCJ NORTH AMERICAN QSO PARTY

     Call used: KR4YL                                          Location: FL
     Category: Single Op All Band         Mode: CW              Power: 100W
     Callsign of Operator: KR4YL
     Exchanged Information: KR4YL PAUL FL
     Hours of Operation: a little bit here and a little bit there between
4:30PM and midnight or so.

     band      QSOs      points    mults
     160          0           0       0
      80         10          10       7
      40         25          25      14
      20         48          48      21
      15          9           9       7
      10          1           1       1
     TOTAL       93          93      50      SCORE: 4,650

     Club or Team Name: Florida Contest Group #2

Comments:  Activity seemed lighter than past NAQP.  Only one VE worked
(VE5MX) worked about 4 XEs and WP2Z and KP4Y.  Missed alot of regular
states.   Conditions were obviously pretty bad and that may have contributed
to people quiting early.

Missed 2 1/2 hours due to having to work, then lost another hour having to
do cut the grass etc.  By a bit after midnight the long week at work really
caught up with me and I decided to crash.

Rig: FT-840 100W into a G5RV .... got my tribander a few days ago but these
9-10 hours work days ending after 8PM makes it hard to get it installed.
Plan to have it up for the SSB weekend.  Hope 10 and 15 are better though I
find I do decent on 40 and 80M with my low wire.   Someday I will figure out
something that will radiate a sig on 160m (though that may have to wait
until I move ...)


Paul E. Knupke, Jr.		pk at ij.net
Largo, FL			      ICQ#605259
Amateur Radio: KR4YL
  Support WCF Section - www.qsl.net/wcfla
       KR4YL/R 442.15+ (103.5) CLW, FL
   IARU 2000 - FCG does W1AW/4 - Go FCG!

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
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