[3830] AA4LR NAQP CW

Bill Coleman AA4LR aa4lr at radio.org
Wed Aug 11 11:28:53 EDT 1999

North American QSO Party 1999 - August 7-8, 1999.
Call: AA4LR      QTH: GA      Mode: CW
Team: South East Contest Club #2

Band     QSOs    Mults
160CW      0       0
 80CW      0       0
 40CW     10       7
 20CW      4       4
 15CW      0       0
 10CW      0       0

Total:    14   x  11  =   Score: 154

Operating Time: 0.6 hours


R7000 at 8'


Kenwood TS-430S (running 90W)
22 yr old CMOS homebrew keyer


Operating time far too limited this time out. Had too much planned for 
Saturday, and didn't even get it all done! Went to my grandfathers 93rd 
birthday dinner, and was home late. Got on shortly before 11:30 local, 
but was falling asleep at the key by midnight, so I called it quits. Next 

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr at radio.org
Quote: "Boot, you transistorized tormentor! Boot!"
            -- Archibald Asparagus, VeggieTales

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