[3830] WAE CW N3RD M/S

Dave Hawes n3rd at ix.netcom.com
Wed Aug 18 21:14:26 EDT 1999

      Call: N3RD                     Country:  United States
      Mode: CW                       Category: Multi Single

     BAND     QSO   QTC    Cty   Mult
      80      55    55     20     80
       40     354   349     43    129
       20     660   660     45     90
       15     720   720     43     86
       10     137   137     30     60

    Totals   1926  1921    181    445 = 1,711,915

Operator List: N3RD, N3RS, W8FJ (pt)
Equipment Description:  N3RS's 2-tower station:
Tower 1 (130' Rohn 55): 5/5/5 on 20, 4/4/4 on 15, rotary 80m dipole
Tower 2 (140' AB-105): 5/5/5 on 10, 3 el full size on 40
Equipment:  2 times FT-1000MP/Alpha76PA
Club Affiliation: Frankford Radio Club

Everybody knows about the drought in the northeast, and we're 
desperate for rain, but NOT from thunderstorms during the WAE!  
Friday night was terrible on LF.  We had to QRT for 30 minutes 
during the height of a passing storm, but the lingering QRN was so 
bad we were only able to manage a single QSO on 80m Friday 
night.  On 40, we used the beverage, which we hardly ever use on 
that band.  20 meters was the mainstay all night with occasional 
trips to 40m.

Saturday morning 15m got off to a much earlier start than normal, 
and luckily we were there at the opening and had a quite good first 
hour of 110, our best hour of the contest.  This was the 10Z hour.  In 
1998 15m didn't open until 13Z, so you had to be there or else miss 
it.  10m opened briefly for us at 11Z, but nothing very good.  The 
rest of Saturday was the typical "grind 'em out" on 15, then 20, then 
40.  LF was much better on Saturday night, and we were able to 
work 19 more precious 80 meter multipliers.

Sunday morning's 15m opening came at about the same time as 
Saturday, but it was not nearly as good as Saturday.  We thought 
that Murphy had visited us and left QRN and flat conditions.  But 
then he REALLY showed up at 1530Z, when a tree fell on the top 
guy wire on the AB-105 tower, destroying two preformeds in the 
process.  Luckily, AB-105 is REALLY STRONG tower, and the 
tower survived without damage.  We had to take a 90m break from 
the contest to repair the guy wire, which included getting out the 
chain saw to clear the fallen tree from on top of the guy anchor.  

We got back on the air at about 1730Z and were rewarded with a 
very good opening on 10m during the 18Z hour.  After that it was 
the normal push to the end, with what seems to be the customary 
worry about being stuck with unsent QTCs, and the hope for a 
decent last hour opening on 40m.

We want to thank DARC for sponsoring a really super fun contest.  
Even with the QRN and falling, we had a great time, and are 
already looking forward to next year!

73 - Dave N3RD

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