Bryan Bydal bydal at mis.net
Wed Dec 1 15:06:09 EST 1999

    Well had lots of fun but in ways,a dissapointing contest. Maybe I =
need an elmer contester to teach me a few secrets or something. Looks =
like a lot of guys kicked my butt for 15m so/hp/unass. My old IC751A =
went out on me in the middle of a killer run Sat. morning. Had to get =
out my old,old TS830, which the "front end" is blown out in. Had to =
operate most of the contest with the RF ATT on....great! But, I am still =
a fairly young contester I guess (33) so have lots of years left to gain =
experience and maybe even enough money to build a competetive station =
over time !   I'll be back!!!!
                                                           73's all and =
thanks for the great contest!
Bryan, KS7O
Call: KS7O
Op  :KS7O
Station: KS7O
Class: SO/SB(15)/HP/Unassisted
Op time: 18.5 hrs

            QSOs   Zones   Countries   Multipliers   Score
  15m:  1187        36          121                          544,790
  Totals: 1187       36           121                          544,790
Station Description:IC751A, TS830
Antenna(s): 4 ele mono @ 110ft
                  5 ele mono fixed on EU @ 65ft
Club :Kentucky Contest Group=20
Yea, I abided by the rules and all that. Do the guys that operate on =
20.999.25 claim that too? Ha!

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
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