[3830] ARRL 160 K1NK SO Low Power

k1nk at usa.com k1nk at usa.com
Sun Dec 5 15:02:48 EST 1999

                     ARRL 160-Meter Contest
Call: K1NK
Operator(s): K1NK
Station: K1NK

Class: SO Low Power
Operating Time (hrs): 17

Section: NNJ

   652 QSOs x ( 56 Sections +  10 Countries) =  88,836


Good conditions in NNJ this year. Good openings to all areas at different
both nights made it interesting. EU was better the first night, but west was
better the second. The K9AY loops are outstanding! Never listened on the TX
antenna, no reason to listen thru S9 noise when the loops are at S1 or less.
The DX window was as clear as I've ever heard it...does that mean it will be
trashed in the CQ 160 tests?

Notes to self: Need to do more S&P for mults.

Complaints: KW Stations with key clicks.
            Stations calling way off freq. Hint: We are all using narrow

See everyone in the 2000 tests.


Jim - K1NK

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