[3830] N6EE 10M Contest SOCWLP

Ron Lodewyck ronl at toto.csustan.edu
Mon Dec 13 17:03:22 EST 1999

ARRL 10-Meter Contest


Single Operator  CW only  Low Power

1688 QSO points x 93 Multipliers = 156984 Claimed score

156984 Claimed Score
418   QSOs
93  Multipliers
5 Hrs of Op

Other committments kept me from my favorite contest.  Still had a blast for
approximately five hours.  Fabulous conditions.  First time I have had the
rate meter up to 240/hr on CW - Hey, hey, I think I'm beginning to LIKE CW!

Thanks for the Q's guys. 73, Ron N6EE

TS820 barefoot (yup an oldie- My TS850 is in for repair)
Cushcraft A3S at 35 feet (kept it cranked down because of strong winds)
WriteLog V 10.11D (worked flawlessly & digitally recorded the audio of my
entire 5 hours & can play back the relevant QSO audio by simply clicking on
the QSO in the Log window - GREAT feature)

Worked NAM CW (51):
CT   MA   ME   NH   RI   NY   NJ   DE   PA   MD   AL   GA   KY   NC   FL
TN   VA   AR   LA   MS   TX   OK   CA   HI   AK   AZ   MT   NV   OR   UT
WA   WY   MI   OH   WV   IL   IN   WI   CO   IA   KS   MN   MO   NE   NF
PQ   ON   MB   SK   AB   BC

DX CW (42):
9A    9M2   BV    BY    CE    CX    DL    DU    EA    EI    F     G     GM
HA    HB    HL    HP    I     JA    JD/o  JT    K     KH0   KH2   KP2   KP4
LU    OH    OK    ON    PA    PY    PZ    SP    T8    UA9   VK    VP5   VR
YB    YU    ZL

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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