[3830] ARRL 10 NP3X Multi-Single HP

rar at tropicweb.net rar at tropicweb.net
Tue Dec 14 09:22:13 EST 1999

                     ARRL 10-Meter Contest
Call: NP3X
Operator(s): WP3A / KP4WW

Class: Multi-Single HP
Operating Time (hrs): 31.3

 Mode     QSOs  Mults
   CW:   1055    125
  SSB:   1950    135
Total:   3005   2690  =  2,112,240


It was a great weekend until saturday,when WP3A wake up with a strong abdomen
pain.He didnt want to se the doctor until the end of the contest because he
want to finish the contest.During the satuday and sunday he was getting worse
even on sunday he had high fever.Finally when the contest was over he went to
the doctor , and now is in the hospital with a gastroenteritis.Even with that
sickness he was in the contest is performance it was not the best but it take a
lot to do what he done.For me he is a great contester.Well tnx to all and we
which you a MARRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR from NP3X team.Best 73's.

              ANTENNA:5 ELEMENT MONOBAND.(Homemade)  

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