[3830] OT9T 10m ARRL, multi - CW + SSB

John Devoldere ON4UN john.devoldere at village.uunet.be
Wed Dec 15 09:54:04 EST 1999

ARRL 10 m  contest

Call: OT9T
Station: ON4UN
Operators: DL2CC and ON4UN
Category: Multi-op high power

MODE      QSO      POINTS    SECT.    DXCC

CW             1162              4,648             60              102
PHONE       1005              2,010             57              117

TOTAL         2167              6,658          117              219

SCORE: 2,237,088

EQUIPMENT: FT1000MP, ACOM 2000A. 6 el and 4 el yagis =20

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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