[3830] ARRL 10 Meter SSB SOHP

Ed Gray W0SD w0sd at rapidnet.com
Wed Dec 15 19:28:34 EST 1999

      Call: W0SD                     Country:  United States
                                     Category: Single Operator
                                      SSB  High Power

               QSO    QSO PTS  STATES  COUNTRIES
     Totals  3124       6248         60              79  =   868,472

                                 QSO's  %
North America    SSB 1995    63.8
South America   SSB   60     1.9
Europe              SSB  641    20.5
Asia                  SSB  358    11.5
Africa                SSB   12     0.4
Oceania            SSB   60     1.9

Comments: As we move up the cycle it becomes more and more a DX contest and
you just can't do well in a DX contest from here.  Not crying as we have
our shot in SS; although again best during the poor sunspots!  No matter I
like the sunspots!   Signals above 29,000 Mhz like old times, exciting!  It
really is physically demanding with weak Eurpeans and tough to understand
Europe and JA even with phonetics with all the QRM.  Being in the chair
from  6:30 a.m until Midnight and never getting off the radio to even go to
the sandbox is a grind with the rates it takes to be competitive!  The best
hour was 224 on Sunday afternoon!   For European DX  I had to go up to
28.824 to get clear enough of a spot to hear.  Next year I may have to go
above 29.000 HI!  Thanks to everyone who worked me. My apologies to those I
could not hear on scatter as I know it is frustrating or DX I could not
work.   I can't believe people who send a QSL and no SASE or SAE.  We have
worked nearly 10.000 stations this contest season.  That would be a
reasonable DX-pedition total.  I don't think very many hams would expect a
card back from a DX-pedition if they did not send an SASE.  As always I am
answeing all cards received but I will admit I am starting to have thoughts
about "TRASHING" non-SAE cards.  It is not the postage it is the "TIME"!!!

73,  Ed-W0SD

Ed Gray
43804 257 Street
Salem, SD 57058-5904 USA
w0sd at rapidnet.com

605 425 2354 home
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