[3830] HA4YF in ARRL 10 m SOLP

Halmi Bela halmi at hif.hu
Thu Dec 16 14:56:30 EST 1999

                              ARRL 10 SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 11-Dec-99, 12-Dec-99

    Callsign Used : HA4YF
        Operators : BELA HALMI

         Category : SOLP

             Name : Bela Halmi
          Address : Berkes ltp. 40.
   City/State/Zip : Szekesfehervar
          Country : Hungary

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Countries   

   10CW      385         383       1536      37        62 

 Totals      385         383       1536      37        62 

    Final Score = 152064 points.

  Operated 23 h 33 min
  TCVR: 100W, antenna 4 x 42 m LW
  Logged by TR-Log

 Date _13.12.1999_  Signed _________Bela Halmi____________  Call __HA4YF____

  I realized that there must be something wrong with my setup or ability,
  as  most 5W stations have achieved better score than mine...
  Anyway, I advanced some 28 per cent more in my final score and 20 % more
  in QSO numbers with same effort and exactly the same setup. What changed
  was me...

 Have a nice holiday, see u in 2000!

 73, Bela (HA4YF)

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