[3830] ARRL 10 W6YX Multi-Single HP

mikeh at airflash.com mikeh at airflash.com
Thu Dec 16 19:27:04 EST 1999

                     ARRL 10-Meter Contest
Call: W6YX
Operator(s): W6KNS, W6LD, N7MH

Class: Multi-Single HP
Operating Time (hrs): 28:30

 Mode     QSOs  Mults
   CW:   1038    124
  SSB:   1398    123
Total:   2436    247  =  1,717,638


I thought I'd start about an hour before the band opened up to the east on
Saturday morning to see if I could work some west coast stations, only to hear
the band open to Europe at 1300Z.  I only worked one European station in this
opening, but it was great to hear everyone coming through so early.  It was
hard to find many European multipliers, but we worked quite a few European
stations which were mostly in the same few countries.

It seemed like whether we were on phone or CW there were always a lot of
stations to work.  The big decision was whether to be on phone or CW at a
particular time.

The hardest part for us as a multi-single was to figure out how to search and
pounce with one radio while CQing with the other.  We were finally getting the
hang of it near the end of the contest, but the S&P station had a lot of
trouble hearing callsigns because of interference from the CQing radio.  It's
so much easier in contests like CQWW where the two radios are on different

This one was a lot of fun and I hope to do it again next year.

-Mike, N7MH

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