[3830] W8JI CQ 160 HP Multi

John T. Laney, III k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Wed Feb 3 21:11:14 EST 1999

W8JI (ops: W8JI, W4AN, K4BAI).  
1267 QSOs, 56 US/VE mults, 59 DX mults, score: 567,525.

We missed DC, VO, NWT, PEI.  We did work three MS (all called us):  N5UE,
KC5TVI, K7ZYV.  We had 228 Eu QSOs, 24 JAs, 4 VKs (three were VK6s), one ZL,
ZS4TX, ZS6UT, EA8ZS.  Asia:  C4, two 4X, A4.

John was our main operator.  I was bugging Tom about antennas and causing
additional QRM for John.  :)     

We'll be QRV next year.  


Bill, W4AN

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