[3830] VE7IN Phone Sprint SOHP

Earl Dery Earl_Dery at mindlink.bc.ca
Sun Feb 7 19:35:50 EST 1999

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Countries   

   80SSB      39          39         39       1         0 
   40SSB      70          70         70       5         0 
   20SSB      85          85         85      33         1 

 Totals      194         194        194      39         1 

    Final Score = 7760 points.

Well I did a little better than last time but still down from my best. Got
to do something about the noise level here I never use to have, my apology
to anyone on 75 that may have called me and I didn't hear, I dislike being
of the alligator type.
A couple of guys mentioned my audio was breaking on twenty , thanks, the
problem is believe or not is the winds had come up here and the 5
element(actually 4 1/2 el)KLM
really seems to move around and I think the connecting staps between the
driven elements start to short out, you can see the SWR meter on the linear
go crazy infact I had to reset several times as the Linear shut down on me.
Hopefully I will have a lower twenty up by fall Sprint. I really enjoy this
short contest and I also hope I won't be recovering from a cold, I was a bit
slow a couple of times coming back to guys as I had to have a sip of
something to stop from coughing.
Thanks all for the Q's.
73 Earl VE7IN

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