[3830] CW Sprint Scores from 3827Khz

Bill Fisher, W4AN w4an at contesting.com
Sun Feb 14 11:55:42 EST 1999

These are the scores I jotted down after the contest.  Sorry I forgot to
indicate low power when I was taking the scores.

K1KI	367	49	17,983 	
N6TR	378	47	17,766 	
K5GN	358	49	17,542 	
N2IC	354	49	17,346 	
W4AN	356	48	17,088 	
W4PA	335	49	16,415 	
W9XD	327	50	16,350 	W9QA
N6TV	337	48	16,176 	
AD6DO	317	51	16,167 	
N6IG	335	48	16,080 	
W1WEF	321	49	15,729 	
N5RZ	323	47	15,181 	
K6LL	336	45	15,120 	
K6LA	321	47	15,087 	
N6RO	303	47	14,241 	
KW8N	284	48	13,632 	
K6RO	308	44	13,552 	N6RT
KU8E	275	49	13,475 	
KT3Y	294	45	13,230 	
W9YH	278	47	13,066 	N4OGW 
K9AA	275	47	12,925 	
N6VR	277	45	12,465 	
K5NZ	269	46	12,374 	
N0AX	275	44	12,100 	
W4OC	275	44	12,100 	
W2LC	273	44	12,012 	
K7NT	266	45	11,970 	
K5KA	259	45	11,655 	
K0OU	259	41	10,619 	
N8AA	241	44	10,604 	
W7ZRC	247	41	10,127 	
K7NV	220	44	9,680 	
AC6T	210	46	9,660 	
VE5MX	223	43	9,589 	
VE5SF	221	39	8,619 	
N5TJ	203	42	8,526 	
KK7GW	179	39	6,981 	
K9YO	106	36	3,816 	
W9RE	305	?	#VALUE!	
W9RM	262	?	#VALUE!	

Bill Fisher, W4AN (EX KM9P)

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