[3830] VE7NTT (at VE7SZ) NA Sprint SSB 2-99
Gary Caldwell
ve7ntt at bc.sympatico.ca
Sun Feb 14 11:45:22 EST 1999
North American Sprint
February 1999, SSB
20M 143
40M 109
75M 77
329 x 48 = 15,792 (submitted score)
Thanks to all for the QSOs, and to Allan, VE7SZ, for hosting me for
the contest. The station played well, as it normally does.
Conditions were ok on 20, but deterioriated as I QSYed to 40, then
80. I don't think that 40 meter conditions are EVER good in VE7--the
band seems to go long and toward the south within an hour after sunset
in every contest I enter, and this time was no exception.
Eighty meter sigs from the Midwest and East were weaker than
February 98, and I had trouble getting through to those areas, which
made it difficult to get into an operating "groove." The band finally
started to get better at about 0355--about 55 minutes too late! Also
encountered rain static the last half hour, which turned out to be a
mixed blessing. The rate died down a bit, but I picked up IA and ND,
which is the only reason I'm somewhat close to K6LL's numbers.
Does anyone have a score for W5NN? He was doing great--about 25 Qs
ahead of me after 2-1/2 hours.
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