[3830] KK7GW Feb CW sprint SOLP
David Jones
kk7gw at wa.freei.net
Sat Feb 13 22:15:00 EST 1999
Contest Date : 14-Feb-99
Callsign Used : KK7GW
Operator : KK7GW
Category : Single operator/Low power (100 watts)
Default Exchange : # David WA
Name : David Jones
Address : 11427 110th AVE NE
City/State/Zip : Kirkland, WA 98033
Country : United States
Team/Club : Rush Drake Orchestra
BAND Raw QSOs Valid QSOs Points Mults Countries
80CW 20 20 20 0 0
40CW 56 56 56 2 0
20CW 103 103 103 36 1
Totals 179 179 179 38 1
Final Score = 6981 points.
Hours of operation: 3:58
Power out: 100 watts
Equipment: Kenwood TS-530 with VFO-240, Vectronics antenna
tuner, DSP-9, TR-log 6.33.
Antennas: 20m dipole at 25 feet, and 40m dipole at 13 feet.
Comments: Wow! I was just hoping to break 100 q's in this.
Starting at about 2300z I cranked the keyer up to 30-35 wpm and
ran a whole bunch of stateside stuff. That really seemed to get my
brain going and ready for the start.
Of course, with 2 minutes to go, I happen to get a pile while I'm
booting the computer to DOS to run TR. So Randy, K5ZD, that's
why I kept sending AS, cause I couldn't type and send at the same
Right at 0000z I sent NA KK7GW, and got a 3 station pile, great,
except that they were all within 100 Hz of each other! Finally got a
W9, and got W9YH into the log. I felt loud on 20 the first couple
hours, seemed like I could bust a lot of the piles and get answers.
One of my big problems in the sprint, especially on CW, has been
having a really slow start. I think doing the QRQ running for the
hour leading up really helped, because I got the rhythm right away,
and cranked off 32 Q's in the first 31 minutes.
Decided to stay on 20 as long as I could, finally packed it up at
0207z with 103 q's, already past my goal. At that point I reset my
goal for 175. Dashed upstairs for 2 minutes to grab a Pepsi and
take a quick bathroom break, hence the 03:58.
Back on to 40, and what do you know? I'm actually getting good
rate there too! Not quite like 20, but enough to sustain my push to
175. Finally down to 80 at 0322z. Picked up several 3 banders
and several 20/80 and 40/80 2-banders, that was strange. How did
I miss Tree on 40?!
Thanks to Ward, N0AX for relaying my score on 3830, I can hear
all kinds of stuff on 80 (Bill W4AN was S6 on 3830 for example) but
I can't work beans on 80, much less 75.
Overall, a great contest for me, would have been nice to get a few
more mults, but I thought it was lots of fun. New goal to break 200
See you all next weekend from the K7RAT M/2...nobody better
take our frequencies!
David Jones, KK7GW
kk7gw at wa.freei.net
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