[3830] ARRL DX CW DL4YAO SO 40m HP, Score, Comments, Best Sigs heard..

Christoph Rheker christor at MICROSOFT.com
Mon Feb 22 03:50:56 EST 1999


ARRL DX CW Contest

Single OP, Single Band 40m, High Power, Non Assisted

QSO   Points   Mults   SCORE
430     1290     48        61920

TS870, Command HF-1250 ~500 Watts, 2 Ele phased Verticals on hill-top QTH.

Nice to hear the US North West back! Lots of good signals from WA, OR, ID
on the band. Many CA's as well.. can't believe CA is on the West Coast..))  
K7ABV called me from Montana, now I "just" need KH6 for 40m WAS..

Condx much improved compared to last year. But only ~20 QSOs more, maybe 
everybody was running on the higer bands?

K7EM was over S9 sometimes. Also K7RAT and K6RC were strong. Strongest 
Mid-West were K4VX and NA5B with both at S9+10. N0AC and KV0Q were 
both around S9. Difficult to say for the east coast, many of the Big Guns
somewhere around S9+20. K1Ki, W3LPL, N3RS, W4MYA etc.. etc..

Christoph DL4YAO

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