[3830] W7YAQ ARRL DX CW Low Power SO AB Unassisted

Norin, Bob bob.norin at intel.com
Thu Feb 25 13:16:38 EST 1999

W7YAQ -- 99 ARRL DX CW -- Oregon
Low Power, All Band, Single Operator, Unassisted

Rigs:  TS830S, FT900

160M:  11 QSOs x 7 Mults        Sloper
80M:   48 QSOs x 23 Mults       Sloper
40M:  187 QSOs x 60 Mults       2 el yagi @ 69'
20M:  222 QSOs x 63 Mults       3 el Tribander @ 75'
15M:  400 QSOs x 75 Mults         "
10M:  207 QSOs x 58 Mults         "

Total:  1075 QSOs x 286 Mults = 922,350 points

What a lot of fun!!  10 Meters is almost back!!  Only got 2 skew path
JAs Friday afternoon, but the band improved significantly Saturday.
On 10, EA, G, and F were blasting in, but Scandanavia and Eastern Europe
were much tougher both days.

Great 40 meter conditions to Europe both evenings.  Amazed to work 
60 mults on 40 low power from Oregon.  

86.7% S&P.  35.5 hours.  Close to my PR (set in 1992) but not quite!


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