James H. Fitzpatrick, Jr.
jhfitzpa at facstaff.wisc.edu
Sun Feb 28 05:00:53 EST 1999
Station: WI9WI
Operator: WI9WI
QTH: Wisconsin
Power: QRP
Category: SO AB UA
160 0 0
80 5 5
40 66 35
20 117 51
15 206 51
10 128 44
The bottom line: 522 X 186 = 291 276
Time 14.5 + a bunch of time wasted on 80 and 160
Gear: IC -765 160: Doesn't matter 80: 42 ft vert + dipole at 80 ft 40: Cushy
2 at 100 ft 20: 4/4 100 ft/60 ft 15: 5 at 60 ft 10: 6 at 55 ft plus a couple
ofdipoles and an A -3 at 35 ft fixed SE, and 3 short Bev's.
Got to the cabin about 0245 after leaving work early. Once I got it heated
up, spent time S&P on 40 until my family and some guests arrived (they went
skiing in the UP Sat). Made about 44 40 QSOs and 3 80 QSOs before I quit.
Spent Sat on mostly 15 and 10 and managed a short run of about 40 QSOs on 10
CQing high in the band. Went skiing (X-country) Sat PM at the Clam Lake Ski
Trail about 15 miles north of the cabin. This is within spitting distance of
the ELF transmitter. Bnd condx were very good all weekend on all bands .
Heard round the world signals on 20 Sun AM. Sat night was arepeat of Fri,
working some more S&P on 40, but 80/160 are hopeless with 5 watts and my
antennas (I have a hard time QRO!). managed 5 Caribbean on 80 - heard strong
European sigs on 80 and some Eu on 160. Sun was mainly spent on 20/15. I
managed a good 2 hour run on 15 high in the band (21.124) with a very clear
frequency and rates of 50-70/hr. I ran a "Grand Experiment" Sun PM. I'll
post it on the contest reflector. A fine time was had by all - me, my
family, our guests, and the dogs (they get to run loose). Drove home Sun
nite, and left Mon AM to go to Bethlehem PA to visit my Dad who has been
ailing. The highlight of the flight from Detroit to Allentown was a crystal
clear day, and following I-80 from Ohio across PA. As a former pilot, I'm
fairly oriented in the air, and I could spot K3LRs antenna towers from 28
000 ft as we crossed into PA about 3 miles north of I-80.
Remember, Wisconsin QSO party Sun 14 March - get on and work a few.
Will be on as C6A** in WPX SSB.
73 Jim
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