[3830] ww99ssb 160 sohp
Mike Del Pozzo
kr4tg at mindspring.com
Sun Feb 28 11:42:38 EST 1999
Q's :255
US/VE :53
DX :9
TotalMults :62
final :36,704
Hrs op :16 +or-
I win I win... lowest score on the East Coast - hi hi
DX was great ( greater if they heard me ) Never heard
HI or AK - Wah ! Still looking for KH6 for # 50 on this
band. Noise level was 30 over 9. Static crashes were
20 over 9. Had a severe T-Storm come through W/ Lightining,
Rain, Hail, Wind, etc. in a nutshell yech ! but had a great
time op'ing when I could. Thanks very much to Whom called
RX/TX Knwd 820-s ah yes tubes :)
inverted L 70 feet up 100 ft out
Ameritron 811H lucky to get 600 out
7/8 hardline helps here :)
Hmmmm better luck next time
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