[3830] Wo4o Jan 99 SSB NAQP SO

Ric Painter wo4o@juno.com
Tue, 19 Jan 1999 21:12:16 EST

Soapbox: A couple of firsts in this game for me.  This was the 
 first SSB NAQP where I have broken a score of 100k.  Also, this 
 was the first time trying my hands at SO2R.  What an awesome 
 experience!  No, I was not inebriated at this party--just 
 disoriented some of the time, as I stumbled along the SO2R 
 learning curve.  I must beg the forgiveness of my team-mates for 
 a score that may have suffered as a result of much trial and
 error, having explored various techniques, etc.  The host radio
 station (AA4NU) has everything necessary for a better SO2R op to 
 produce a much better score than mine. So, don't let my results 
 be a reflection on one of the best designed and equipped ARSs 
 I've ever had the pleasure to see (much less to operate)!  
 Another first was my use of the name "Smoky" (no, NOT Hokie, 
 Okie, Mokey or Monkey).  I chose Smoky to honor (in a way) our 
 recently crowned College Football National Champions - the (drum 
 roll, please) U.T. VOLS!  As Big Orange fans know, Smoky is the 
 name of their hound dog mascot.  Many of whom I worked at this 
 Party associated the name with the Great Smoky Mountains or
 Smoky the Bear; somebody on 10-m thought it was slang for a law 
 enforcement officer -- go figure.  It doesn't matter to me how 
 anybody spells "Smoky" (i.e. Smokey, Smokie, Smokee, Smoki ...) 
 as long as it resembles the word phonetically (as I properly
 pronounced it during each QSO).  I hope the Adjudicators agree 
 with this.  It would be a shame for somebody to miss out on a 
 Golden Log because their spelling didn't match mine.  Naturally, 
 during a CW game, accurate spelling is more important.  Some of 
 the more unusual names used by others at this Party were:  
 Garfield (W4CAT), BO (Big Orange?) Spud, Og, Goofy, Fos, Cuz, 
 Cajun, Hargrove, EJ, CJ and Otto.  To my shame, once again, 
 I did not move any mults to another band.  This will likely be 
 one of my main areas for improvement.  Worked 26 Tennesseans 
 (of which 15 were on TCG Teams).  It was great to have so many 
 excellent out-of-state operators play on the six (6) TCG Teams.  
 Thanks for each Q and for all the FUN at the Winter SSB NAQP!

    Callsign Used : Wo4o 
     Station Used : AA4NU (Thank you Billy!)
         Operator : Ric (a.k.a. "Smoky")
         Category : Single Op 
        Team/Club : Tennessee Contest Group Team #1

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   

  160SSB      53          53         53      22 
   80SSB      89          89         89      33 
   40SSB     181         181        181      49 
   20SSB     138         137        137      39 
   15SSB      53          53         53      24 
   10SSB      73          73         73      20 

 Totals      587         586        586     187 

    Final Score = 109582 points.

 Off Times: 1815-1845 2119-2152 0218-0248 0526-0600


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